COVID-19 – What should Smarta Water customers do?

At Smarta Water we are carefully monitoring the COVID-19 situation and are following all the latest advice and recommendations from the Government, Public Health England and Health Protection Scotland.

From a Water Retail Market perspective we are proactively communicating with DEFRA, Ofwat, MOSL, water wholesalers, suppliers and other water retailers to help form a clear and consistent approach throughout the industry.

We realise for our customers this may also be an uncertain time and we are working with them on a case by case basis to resolve any concerns.

Our teams are fully operational, so if you need to speak to us please call on 0333 300 1878 or e-mail us on

If you need to let us know of any additional contacts for your organisation then please do.

Meter Reading

The ability of our meter readers to access and collate meter reads is impacted by the  Government recommendations regarding restrictions on movements and social distancing. As such water charges, where meters are not read, will be based on historic consumption.

If your consumption is likely to change significantly, we would suggest that if you are able and it is safe to do so, please provide us with a meter read so that we can bill you on actual consumption.  Please email a photo your meter read along with serial number to

If you need help identifying the location of your meter, please email and a member of our team will help you.

Closing your business

If you are closing for a period of time until things return to normal, please let us know by e-mailing before you close if possible and provide us with a meter read and ensure your contact details are up to date.

Vacant premises won’t normally incur charges, although we may have to charge if water is being used.

You should contact us again when you are ready to reopen.

Temporary changes to our terms and conditions during the COVID-19 crisis

For the period from 8 April 2020 until 31 May 2020 or such other date as the Authority, Ofwat, may notify in writing to retailers, no amounts owed by the non-household customer to the retailer are ‘due’ or shall be treated as ‘due’ by the retailer for the purposes of a disconnection notice under section 61(1ZC)(b) of the 1991 Act, and for these purposes only.

Notwithstanding their contractual right to do so, retailers may not seek to recover any default interest or impose late payment charges for non-payment of any bills or invoices issued from 1 March 2020, and may not charge default interest or impose late payment charges for any non-payment of invoices from 8 April 2020, until such date as the Authority may notify in writing to retailers.

Notwithstanding their contractual rights to do so, retailers may not seek to enforce non-payment of invoices against non-household customers until such date as the Authority may notify in writing to retailers. All other rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions of Supply are unaffected by these temporary changes.

Further updates

With the ongoing COVID-19 situation we will continue to follow the latest advice and recommendations from the Government, Public Health England and Health Protection Scotland while collaborating fully with DEFRA, Ofwat, MOSL, water wholesalers, suppliers and other water retailers.

Throughout, as usual, we will provide regular updates either on our website or via social media, on any changes that may affect you or the services we provide.

We are here to help

We realise for our customers this may also be an uncertain time and we are working with them on a case by case basis to resolve any concerns.

Our teams are fully operational, if you need to speak to us please call on 0333 300 1878 or e-mail us on